Wednesday, April 6, 2011

New Beginnings

With every beginning, there is a previous ending.  Depending on your point of view, endings can be sad or glad.  I choose glad!  Many years ago, an event occured in my life which forever changed the future.  On Friday, April 1st, 2011, what would have otherwise been a day of trickery and playful pranks became a new beginning and an end to an old event.

What happened?  The day began with a closed court preceeding which included myself, my husband, an attorney, a guardian ad litem, and a judge.  After some testimony and consideration, followed by evidence submitted, it was decided that our Son, Kyle, would be adopted by my husband and have a brand new name: Kyle Montgomery Moen. 
As the judge read her verdict, years of weight fell off my shoulders as tears of joy spilled from my eyes.  The significance of a name, and the legacy carried by the name, has been graciously bestowed upon my Son.  He can proceed through life with his head held high and race toward the future with pride.  The sad journey began many years ago is over and we enter a jubilant beginning filled with opportunity!

Does Kyle understand this?  Probably not.  In his teenage angst and chaotic turmoil, he is more concerned with the latest video games, movies, and computer technology.  However, he will understand in due time.  His older brother still remembers the day he changed his name at age 18  and he remembers the joy and pride he felt to have the name of not only his Uncle, but his Pop Pop. 

Names are significant.  They bestow blessings and they may carry cursings.  Names can bestow a legacy of hope or a life of fear. Names given to children by their parents are chosen after much consternation and forethought.  Meaning of names are researched.  Nicknames are considered.  Translations are sought out.  Parents hope that the name they choose will bestow charisma, charm, strength, and many other desirable characteristics upon their offspring.

However, when the meaning changes due to tradgedy or a willful act of deviance by a namegiver, it is in the child's best interest to allow a change, a new beginning.  I am thankful for new beginnings that God gives us.  Salvation is a new beginning and an end too!  It is the end of a former life of sin, sadness, fear, and willful disobedience, and the beginning of a new life in Jesus with joy, strength, and trust to fill our hearts and minds.

I am thankful everyday for God's presence in our lives and His ability to forgive our sins and carry us through life.  In our weakness, He makes of strong and enables us to walk through life trusting in God for our every need.  Thank you God for this new beginning and for your faithfulness in our lives.  Yes, great is God's faithfulness!


  1. :) I still remember him changing his first name. So he got a complete makeover! :))

    Julie Wetmore

  2. I'm so happy for your family and for Kyle's new name. What a marvelous testimony of victory you have to share with others who are hurting.
